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Did simple Django installation on Windows (Python)!

Today I downloaded some apps that were build on Django. At first I thought it's gonna be a pain in my ass to set up Django and then configure those apps, even to have a glimpse of how they look and work. But I was wrong. I already had Python installed on my computer. So I followed the below steps:

Step 1: Went to Django official download page, downloaded Django-1.6.2.tar.gz and unzipped it into a local folder named 'Django'.

Step 2: Opened command prompt and headed to the local folder 'Django' (C:\Users\userX\Documents\Django).

Step 3: ran the command,

python install

which made the command prompt go crazy while I sat in front of my computer feeling like a nerd. 

Note: If you encountered the error, 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, in this step, then add C:\PythonXX\;C:\PythonXX\Scripts; (XX is version of your python like python27 or python33 and so) to your PATH environment variable (system-> advanced sys settings -> environment variables -> PATH-> edit).

Step 4: Once my command prompt came to rest, I typed 'python' and hit enter to turn it into Python interpreter. Then tried importing django (import django) and checked its version (print(django.get_version())). Success!

Step 5: Typed 'ctrl+c' to bounce back to command prompt from interpreter. Then I created an another local directory to create a sample app, took the command prompt to it and entered the command, 

python C:\python27\Scripts\ startproject myapp_sample

to finally check every thing's alright and it was, surprisingly