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Problem installing WAMP on Windows 8.1!

I just updated to Windows 8.1 from 8 and installed Wamp server. At first, Wamp is not working. I mean, I can't open the localhost or any other services from Wamp. So I queried Google and tried installing apache (click Wamp -> Apache -> service -> install service) and mysql (click Wamp -> MySql-> service -> install service) service. That's it, everything works.

Then I tried the phpmyadmin page but it asked me password like it did the last time. I saved some instructions in my evernote about it once, but I was too fuckin' lazy to go through that shit. So I opened the mysql console and typed:
show databases;
use mysql;
from table user show *;

which gave me the username - 'root' and password - ''(blank), using which I used to logged in to my phpmyadmin. But my lazy ass forgot to think about something. I don't want to go through the login page every time on my local server, so all I need is to disable the login page and save me some overhead. So again I went back to my evernote shits. Then I edited (from dir:root/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin/ ) the line:

/* Authentication type */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';


/* Authentication type */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';

Which solved my problem, adios!

Resources that might have helped me:,116611

This helps too: