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pyQt: ui file to py file conversion in windows

Once the anyfile.ui file is saved then it could be converted into file using script. 

Step 1: Download and install PySide.
Step 2: Open your command prompt and head to the directory where the installed PySide scripts were located on your computer like in mine, C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PySide\scripts
Step 3: Now type the command 'python input.ui -o -x', in which you have to only change the input and output file names. For me this command worked 'C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PySide\scripts>python D:\PyEx\sam.ui -o D:\PyEx\ -x'
Note: It would be easier if the ui file to be converted is saved in the same directory as the file.
Step 4: Open, run and verify the output py file and have a self five.